Wednesday 27 August 2014

Describe - Sea Creatures

Rata Puru Pauru - Powder Blue Surgeon

Here I am, a blue powder surgeon, my colour yellow, white and navy blue marks, hides among my gorgonian coral. My body is an oval shape and is compressed laterally. Like other blue surgeon. I swim with my pectoral fins, my sides are blue my dorsal fin and the base of my caudal fin are yellow. My head is black, my mouth, my throat area and pelvic fins are white. My pectoral fins are transparent with yellow reflections. The intensity of my blue colour shows off my beauty.

As I swim I’m surrounded by other Powder Blue Surgeon. I can taste the fresh breeze of water coming towards my mouth I could feel the roughness of my skin, the seaweed sliding along my skin. My behaviour like most fish in the Acanthuridae family is very calm and cautious.

As I swim along I could smell the taste of the tropical fish swimming around coral reefs. I could smell the school coming closer to me. I swim in so many directions that it tires me out.

As I go out hunting for my favourite benthic algae food for me and my family as they are starving to death. I look all over the ocean but there was nothing so I swam fast as I could to report this to my father. There were gone. As I swim along by myself looking for my family as I realise there was something big above my head looking if that was a benthic algae. I swam as fast as I could as I reached the top. I bumped my head it hurts really hard. I got a lump on my forehead.

There was something curious going around my head until I turned around a big net swag across me, it was like a trap. But likely a shark came and rescued me as I realise I was scared of sharks but when I open my eyes it was just a friendly friend across my house I just remember it was my friend from school I was scared I didn't want to tell why I haven't been to school for the past two weeks.

It was gloomy dark as I returned home. I was scared for the first time I stay at home by myself. As my little tiny friend came along with his parents I ask if my could stay with them. Anyway his name was Nemo. After that one night sleepover I decided to leave a note and bring them some food.

I was really ppanicmy family has been gone for two days. I heard something calling my name I turned around I saw my little brother racing with my whole family I was crying the same time I was so happy that I thought I was going to die as I continued the future living by myself.

I’ve always pray to god to give me strength through all these times I softer a really pain times. I pray in Jesus name in the lord for this is right. I will live longer.

1 comment:

  1. hi Lauren I like your Rata Puru story you did a good job. like it how you made sure you put in your capital letters and also made sense. good on you and keep it up.
