Friday 31 October 2014

Technology Over Time

This presentation was created by me and Tiere. We are leaning to explore the changes in a type of computers, Technology over time.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Author Study

This goggle drawing is about my two favourite authors. This shows what is smailiaris and what is the difference between them.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Skid Marks! Vocabulary Chart

This Goggle drawing was created for me and my two buddies (Lolo and Salimon) to complete. This is a vocabulary chart that are definitions to the headlines.

TPS Viral Videos Venn Diagram

This goggle drawing is a Viral Videos Venn Diagram. In the middle this means why are they similarities, but most importantly, why are they different and why one would be good to viral and one would not.

Friday 17 October 2014

Hover Board

This is a goggle drawing that me and My two buddies (Tiere and Patosina) has been doing for cybersmart. We have created a Poster about the Hoverboard and How it was a Hoax. 
Here is a Link of how this "Hover board in the Movie Back in the Future 2"
Watch carefully and look at their shoulders. This means that there was a wire under their T-Shirts and you can tell that their shoulders was bigger than their body. 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Bloom's Taxonomy

This Presentation was made by me and My other two buddies (Tiere and Patosina.) We were learning to ask questions using each level of Bloom's Taxonomy of Critical Thinking.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Character Inference Chart

This goggle drawing me and my buddy (Lolo) has been working on, is developing my inference skills. I have read a book called Mahinga Kai Crusader Written By Stanley Waish.

Thursday 25 September 2014

My Writing Goals and Reflections

This Presentation I have done is about My writing goals and Reflections. I am currently at 3A and I want to get to 4B. I am learning to set SMART goals for writing. Through the whole term 4 I have learnt a lot of writing language. I've also learnt how to make sure that my sentences are clear which means they are well controlled and make sense.

My Maths Goals and Reflections

This is a presentation that shows my Maths Goals and Reflections.  I am now at stage 4. My goal is to get to stage 5 and 6. Through out the whole term 4 I have learnt a lot of short cuts and how to show fast thinking by using my basic Maths knowledge to solve fractions and others.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Questions about jellyfish

Jellyfish by Wendy Matthews
  1. Name a collective noun for a group of jellyfish.
Smuck, Smack, Smuth, Brood and Fluther.
  1. How much of a jellyfish is water?
Although jellyfish are 95 percent water, They do contain some protein.
  1. Sharks kill more people than jellyfish. True or False
False because Jellyfish kill more people every year than sharks.
  1. Is a jellyfish dangerous after it’s dead?
Yes. Even if it looks dead. The stinging cells in the tentacles work for up to two weeks after a jellyfish had died.
  1. How do jellyfish breathe?
Jellyfish need oxygen. But instead of using gills a jellyfish breathes through its skin, which covers it entire body. This is usually shaped like a parachute with tentacles that hang beneath.
  1. Where is the poison of jellyfish located?
These tentacles are a jellyfish’s secret weapon. Stinging cells inside the tentacles shoot out poison
  1. What does a jellyfish eat?
Small jellyfish eats Flitter-feed, the larger jellyfish eat small fish crabs, Plankton.
  1. What are the predators of jellyfish?
The jellyfish predators are sharks.
  1. How does a jellyfish ‘bloom’ effect people?
In New Zealand, Jellyfish mostly noticed when swimmers get stung. But jellyfish blooms can also block shipping lanes, damage they engines on boats, ruin fishing nets, and be sucked into the water intakes of large ships and power stations.

Here are comprehension questions about the text I have read about Jellyfish. Our Success Criteria is to make connection across the text to link key ideas. Answer question using the information from the text and also use clues from the text to understand new vocabulary. 

Equivalent Fractions

This presentation show what Equivalant Fraction means. I have learnt that Equivalent fraction means the same amount and the rule for figuring out equivalent fractions is whatever you do to the denominator you do the same to the numerator.

Friday 19 September 2014

Tagata O le Moana Ocean and Sea animals from A to Z

This a presentation that shows different sea creatures from A to Z.

Wobbegong Shark

This  presentation is about what we have been investigation about Wobbegong. Our investigation group is called the "Wobblicious"  our investigation goal is to find more information (habitat, food, survival and Predators) about a unique sea creatures, such as the Wobbegong shark!

Monday 8 September 2014

Cook Strait Kate

Here is a presentation about Kate Johns. Kate Johns is a cook Strait. For our task about Kate Johns we are learning to make judgement about the motivations of a character in a text.

Friday 5 September 2014


Here is a post of Suffixes and some examples to show what it means.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Decimals and Percentages

Here is a presentation that shows what a Decimals and Percentages is.

6 Hats Currents Events

Here is a presentation of a story I have read on-line about "TOO FAR". 

Monday 1 September 2014

The Tree Of Life

This is my description of what my Tree of life is.


This is a goggle drawing that me and Tiere my buddy has been working on. We are learning to recongnise suffixes and explain how they change the meaning of the word they are added to.

Word Investigation Chart

This is a word investigation chart that me and T.J my buddy has been working for reading. We are learning to identify figurative language within a text.

Thursday 28 August 2014

The Wonder of the Magical Flying Machine

Here a Presentation of Me and Harmony my buddy Narrative writing. We have been using our imagination about " The Wonder of the Magical Flying Machine" to help write our story.

Coral Reefs - Coral Destruction and How to Save our Reefs

During reading we have create a goggle drawing about coral reefs. We are learning how to make connections with the text and what we know to form our options about a specific Topic. 

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Describe - Sea Creatures

Rata Puru Pauru - Powder Blue Surgeon

Here I am, a blue powder surgeon, my colour yellow, white and navy blue marks, hides among my gorgonian coral. My body is an oval shape and is compressed laterally. Like other blue surgeon. I swim with my pectoral fins, my sides are blue my dorsal fin and the base of my caudal fin are yellow. My head is black, my mouth, my throat area and pelvic fins are white. My pectoral fins are transparent with yellow reflections. The intensity of my blue colour shows off my beauty.

As I swim I’m surrounded by other Powder Blue Surgeon. I can taste the fresh breeze of water coming towards my mouth I could feel the roughness of my skin, the seaweed sliding along my skin. My behaviour like most fish in the Acanthuridae family is very calm and cautious.

As I swim along I could smell the taste of the tropical fish swimming around coral reefs. I could smell the school coming closer to me. I swim in so many directions that it tires me out.

As I go out hunting for my favourite benthic algae food for me and my family as they are starving to death. I look all over the ocean but there was nothing so I swam fast as I could to report this to my father. There were gone. As I swim along by myself looking for my family as I realise there was something big above my head looking if that was a benthic algae. I swam as fast as I could as I reached the top. I bumped my head it hurts really hard. I got a lump on my forehead.

There was something curious going around my head until I turned around a big net swag across me, it was like a trap. But likely a shark came and rescued me as I realise I was scared of sharks but when I open my eyes it was just a friendly friend across my house I just remember it was my friend from school I was scared I didn't want to tell why I haven't been to school for the past two weeks.

It was gloomy dark as I returned home. I was scared for the first time I stay at home by myself. As my little tiny friend came along with his parents I ask if my could stay with them. Anyway his name was Nemo. After that one night sleepover I decided to leave a note and bring them some food.

I was really ppanicmy family has been gone for two days. I heard something calling my name I turned around I saw my little brother racing with my whole family I was crying the same time I was so happy that I thought I was going to die as I continued the future living by myself.

I’ve always pray to god to give me strength through all these times I softer a really pain times. I pray in Jesus name in the lord for this is right. I will live longer.

Word Investigation Chart

We have created a word web showing all key words we have identify from the text. We have investigate any new vocabulary and filling in this chart.  

Staying Smart Online

This a goggle drawing I did with with my buddies  (Tiere and Patosina.) This is a cybersmart symbols to show how to be safe on-line. 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Sperm Whale

We are learning to make connections with what we know and what we read. We have created a Sperm Whale poster filled with alot of interesting facts. 

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Cyber Smarts

This is an example on how to be smart with your mobile phone.

Friday 1 August 2014

General Knowledge

This is a General Knowledge Task. This is a presentation. I am learning about the gain a greater general knowledge about the world around us.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Marine Reserves

Me and my buddy have been learning about Marine Reserve. We have put down the difference about Protected and Unprotected Ocean and Sea. We also put down the same things they have.  

Cyber Smart Goals Term 3

This is a Cyber Smart Google Drawing. I am learning to evaluate how Cyber Smart we are. This Google Drawing is all about using our Prior Knowledge and experience information.  

My Vocabulary Display related to the Ocean and the Sea

This is a my vocabulary display related to the ocean and the sea. I am learning to identify vocabulary associated with the Ocean.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tiakaina a Tanagaroa - Protect our Seas- Beach Environment

This is a Google drawing that me and my buddy as done for our reading task about Tiakaina a Tanagaroa - Protect our Seas- Beach Environment.

Friday 27 June 2014


This is me and my buddies ( Patosina and Tiere) we had made a presentation all about Matariki and the Seven stars and also how their celebrate for Matariki for the seven sister. 

Thursday 19 June 2014

6 Hats Currents Events

This is my 6 hat current event presentation. We are learning to use the 6 hats to think about and summarise a currents event. 

Acquaintance or Friend?

This is my Google draw about acquaintances and friends.It lists the characteristics and qualities of a friend and of a acquaintance.It also has synonyms of one and definitions I made up.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Looking At Friendship

This Google drawing I have created is we can look at friendships differently in a positive way and a negative way.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Language of Measurement

This presentation is to help me under the key language to do with measurement. 

Wednesday 28 May 2014

3 Different Sentences strutures

This helps me with my writing is by using the different ways of improving my writing using the 3 different sentence structures witch are Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.

Samoan Language Week

This presentation is about the Samoan Language Week we are learning how to speak in Samoan and learn about the Samoan Culture.

How to be a good friend?

Don’t act like a fool.
Respect them.
Show her\him around the school.
have a good attitude.
Always be honest.
Respect people if you want them to treat you like that.
Be a nice guy\girl.
Talk to them and ask question about them and how they feel about this school.
Always make them welcome.

 This shows how we can become good friends to other. For example if a new student comes to your class room try and make them welcome and show them around the class and the whole school. Talk to them and also ask question about them and how do they feel about this school.

Explanation writing Plan - Why you cannot live without your chosen invention

Why you cannot live without your chosen invention?  

Remember the S.E.E. structure
Statement - Use a starter sentence to state a cause - An invention I cannot live without is . . .
Explain - Define the cause - I cannot live without it because . . .
Evidence - explain the effect of the cause -  I use it . . .

What is your Explanation about?
An invention I cannot live without is a Netbook
What are you going to explain?  Why is it important for us to pay attention to what you have to say?
My invention I can’t live without is a Netbook. Netbooks is important because they are tools you use for learning and they help you when you learn new things. Netbooks are awesome because they have shortcuts to make things easier and faster. If I didn’t have this invention it will be hard for me to cooperate with this modern life. I could have not survived but I'm not trying to exaggerate but it’s my life!.   
Paragraph One
Why is this invention so important to you?  How can it be used by you?
The invention that I can not live without is a Netbook. I've chosen this because this tool is for learning. I had this netbook for 2 years and this is the third year I’ve used it. Netbooks are very important to me because I can do my homework and finish work that needs to be completed. I can use my netbook everyday.The thing I like about netbooks is that the world can see what I do when I blog my work and blog it to the standard expected and also I can also email my family members far from me. I never use netbooks to chat to people that’s just wasting money spending it for a netbook to chat to other people like my classmates and people that are acquainted because it’s just spam.
Paragraph Two
What are some ways that other people use the invention? Why? How does it affect others?
I think that people use this invention for a different purpose like chatting to others and going on facebook and twitter. People might just use their money to spend on a netbook to use it for a different purpose. This can cause damage to your netbook if a coffee spills on you and your netbook. It might cost a lot of money to get it fix.
Paragraph Three
What would life be like without the invention? Explain the different effects.
Life would be hard without this invention because things will be a lot hard for us to write in our books and people around the world might not see what we do at school and what we have been learning everyday. This affects us by using it everyday for the right purpose and show the world what you have been doing in school and learning about different things.
The conclusion sums up all the ideas and repeats a key message to end.  This could be a recommendation or a personal connection.
If I didn't have this invention it will be hard for me to cooperate with this modern life. I could have not survived but I'm not trying to exaggerate but it’s my life!.                       

This document is all about our Explanation writing plan witch is all about why you cannot live without this Invention?. My invention I chosen was a Netbook because it a lot hard for us to keep on buying books every year for our learning.  

Intimidating Behaviour

This is in a small groups record this doc about two different examples of intimidating behaviour. Verbal and non-verbal.

Friday 23 May 2014

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - Cause and Effects

This Google draw I have created is about the cause and effects in the movie of " Cloudy with a chances of meatballs." This makes me think different about the machine Flint Lockwood has invented would do something wrong and how people feel about the machine in the movie.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Solar System

This presentation is all about the solar system witch are the planets. We are learning to summarise facts about the solar system and putting them into our own words.

8 events Templates

This is a Template this is based on a movie its called " Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. This help's me practices my summarizing skills and finding the key information and also putting into my own words.

Discoveries and their impacts

This presentation is a bus stop activity. It involves how discoveries impacted our lives in our time and collaborating with other people in our classes also using our prior knowledge through sharing our ideas with others around us.

Monday 19 May 2014

Character Profile of a Scientist

WALT identify scientists that have made significant contributions to their fields.

  1. Pick a scientist from the list.
  2. Think/Pair/Share - Discuss with a buddy the significant contributions your scientist has made to their field of science.
  3. Complete the character profile below of a famous scientist.

character profile of a scientist

James Clerk Maxwell - 1821 to 1879
country of origin:
James was born in Scotland. James Maxwell is from Scotland.
science area:
Physicists and Mathematicians
Significant contribution to their field of science
James Clerk Maxwell starting working in London at the King’s College. He did some remarkable work there and later he resigned in 1856. After James had spent most of his time doing his work on his book at his house and country. Maxwell give a new light of understanding to the theories. James stay in touch in academics, he did some consulting and checking work for the University of Cambridge.   
What impact has their invention had on the world?
Maxwell further worked on the work of James Prescott Joule and introduced his kinetic theory and electromagnetic fields’ theory. It was recognized by both the researchers that heat wasn't a fluid like it was once thought to be and gas molecules’ velocity was measured by both of them.

This task is part of science that have made significant and contributions to their fields. 

Seven Inventions I can't live without

This is  the Google drawing I created to represent the seven inventions that I could not live without .

Friday 16 May 2014

Science Symbols

This Task Indication the 3 keys areas of science. Which means that 
  • Biology is that people study living things and do lots of testing. 
  • Chemistry is someone that investigate of their properties and reaction, and the use of such reaction to form new substance.
  • Physics is the matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Inner Planets

This Task is related to shared reading and the topic is about The inner planets. 

Monday 5 May 2014

Room 7 Class Goals - Term 2 2014

This is Room 7 class goals for Term 2. This will help room 7  achieve these goals and follow them through out the Term.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Inquiry Research ' Who Were The Main People In Charged In WW2?'

This Presentation is Part of my Inquiry research during Term 1. I have been searching for who were the main people in charged in World War Two. I have find six different people that were in charged in World War Two.  

Term 2 Goals 2014

This Presentation Is My learning goals for Term 2 and How can I get to the next level. In my Presentation I have got my Reading, Maths and Writing. In these slides it shows my e-asttle learning pathways.

Friday 11 April 2014

T.P.S Fiafia Night Term 1 2014

This is my presentation is about the Fiafia Night This Term in Term one. It is my review about how they felt and what happened. This event was for the year 7 and 8 Fundraiser camp. We have been performing this whole term to present this to entertain parents and caregivers.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

ANZAC Facts Presentation

This is a presentation that me and my buddies, Darwin and Arizona did. This presentation is about ANZAC facts that we had to put in our own words.

Friday 28 March 2014

Maths Thinkboard Master 4

This is a Thinkboard that I have done For Maths.

Helping To Win The War

Summarise - Helping To Win The War

Page 1:
In page one the story is telling us about how their were getting ready for the war. In the war there were seven thousand soldiers fought in the 28th (Maori) Battalion during the second world war. The Battalion fought mainly in the middle East, North Africa, and Italy. In Aotearoa, Maori schoolchildren helped to raise money to buy a canteen truck for the Battalion.

Page 2:

In July 1941 at Tuparoa Native school on East Coast of the North Island. All Whanau in their Village were poor. These days Children's never wore shoes because their couldn't afford to buy some. Some children's had got their first shoes in 1950 when their were boarding school. It grave them blisters.

Page 3 :

This  page is about when one of there family joined in to help fight in the war. During the years the children's at school use to dug gardens plots and grew vegetables from seeds.

Page 4

Kids from schools used to play war games. There have dug trenches in the sand with their hands, Their used driftwood. The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbour in Hawaii  in 1941, lots of people were worried that Japan

Page 5:

The kids were playing then they saw an air plane flying above their head and they fought that it was an enemy's plane that was coming to them for war.

Page 6

When the truck came to the school and then all of the kids that was at the school they all ran to the  truck and all of the kids was excited and some kinds was talking to the soldiers and some of the others kids looked at bullet holes and they were all excited.And the other soldiers was happy to cause the school fundraise for them to and after all they had fun.

Weekly Reflection

This Presentation is a Reflection for week 9. This is when we have to write our reflection about what we have to Achieve for our goals.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

What do good readers do?

The Task is Called what do good readers do?. It when good reading use their Summarising the story and explaining what?, Why? Where? and How?.

A New Definition and Examle

This Task is a reading task, it when we have to read a text and skimming and scanning for words we don't know. We have to find the definition and example.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Master Thinkboard

This Maths Thinkboard was given to complete in the Morning for Maths.

Smart Surfing

The Persentation is about Smart Surfing and using Key Words and Also Search for information ueffciently using Key Words.

Monday 24 March 2014

Goal Setting Presentation

This Presentation about our setting goals when we had our Whanau conference.

Friday 14 March 2014


This is a presentation about the Anzac Journey To Gallipoli.

Current Events

This week on Wednesday in our reading group we have been given a task 6 Thinking Hats and we have been researching about the World war 2 mines found in Auckland Harbour.

Monday 10 March 2014


Today for maths our class did a Thinkboard and how to use our strategy.